
Company details

Romantik-Apparthotel Almschlössl & Schrotteralm
Family Huber

Schrotteralmstraße 4
5562 Obertauern, Austria

Phone +43 6456 7407
Fax +43 6456 7407-8
Company name: Hotel Almschlössl GmbH
VAT number: ATU 56697239
Company number: 231352z
Local authorities acc. to ECG (e-Commerce Act): Bezirkshauptmannschaft St. Johann im Pongau
Group: Hotellerie
Chamber of commerce: Wirtschaftskammer Salzburg

Information on online dispute resolution in accordance with Art. 14 para. ODR VO

The European Commission offers the possibility for online dispute resolution on one of their powered platforms (so-called "ODR platform"). The OS platform can serve as a focal point for the extra-judicial settlement of disputes arising from online sales contracts or service contracts. This platform can be reached via the external link

Data privacy

We respect your data privacy. Read more in the data privacy statement.

Concept, design & programming

Werbeagentur Algo

Photographic Materials ©

Romantik-Apparthotel Almschlössl & Schrotteralm
Tourismusverband Obertauern
Air Media
Werbeagentur Algo
Tourismus Salzburg
Lorenz Masser
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